Sacred Geometries and Their Scientific Meanings

The interface between science and the transcendental as a mathematical theophany

Stephen M. Phillips  

The meaning

of Nolan's Cross

— part of the Oak Island mystery is finally solved.



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The sacred geometry
of the basic particle
of shadow matter
/dark matter 


"The Universe is a thought of the Deity. Since this ideal thought-form has overflowed into actuality, and the world born thereof has realized the plan of its creator, it is the calling of all thinking beings to rediscover in this existent whole the original design."

Friedrich Schiller

That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God
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That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.
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That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.
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"That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior, reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.
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That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.
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Albert Einstein



Inner form of Tree of Life 
How sacred geometries are equivalent to one another, encode the nature of all levels of reality and embody the structure and dynamics of the basic particles of matter.




The 421 polytope has 6720 edges

 The 2-d Sri Yantra has 672 yods other than corners of triangles

The 421 polytope has 6720 edges.

  The Sri Yantra has 672 yods other than corners of triangles.

Weighted with the number 10, the 672 yods other than corners of triangles in the Sri Yantra constructed from tetractyses denote the 6720 edges of the 421 polytope. The 240 corners, sides & triangles surrounding the centre of the Sri Yantra correspond to the 240 vertices of the 421 polytope, which represent the 240 roots of E8, the rank-8, exceptional Lie group associated with E8×E8 heterotic superstring forces. It is implausible to attribute to coincidence both these properties of the Sri Yantra. Rather, they indicate that such superstrings exist and conform to this blueprint as its subatomic realization.

Gosset polytope as inner form of 10 Trees of Life

The number of yods lining the 6720 edges of the 421 polytope that represents the 240 roots of E8 is equal to the number of yods in the inner form (with Type B polygons) of 10 overlapping Trees of Life. The analogous features listed above are convincing evidence that the 421 polytope conforms to the archetypal pattern embodied in sacred geometries because it is highly implausible that they arise by chance. The implication is inescapable and profound: E8×E8 heterotic superstrings exist as the microscopic manifestation of the Tree of Life blueprint.

The number 6720 is embodied in the 1st 4 Platonic solids & the 3-torus

672 yods in 1st 4 Platonic solids

 672 hexagonal yods in 3-torus with Type A triangles

Weighted with the Decad (10), the 672 yods in the first 4 Platonic solids, the faces and interiors of which are constructed from tetractyses, generate the number (6720) of edges of the 421 polytope. On average, they are made up of 168 yods, generating the number 1680. This shows how these 4 regular polyhedra, thought by the ancient Greeks to be the shapes of the particles of the elements Earth, Water, Air & Fire, embody the basic numbers (168 & 1680) characterising the toroidal helix form of the E8×E8 heterotic superstring constituents of matter — the "UPAs" first remote-viewed by Annie Besant & C.W. Leadbeater 130 years ago. The property confirms the ancient intuition that the geometry of the first 4 Platonic solids determines the form of the basic constituents of physical matter — except that they were not atoms but the E8×E8 heterotic superstring constituents of the up and down quarks in the nucleons making up the nuclei of atoms.


Weighted with the Decad (10), the 672 hexagonal yods making up the 56 Type A triangles (168 tetractyses) in the {3,7} tessellation on the 3-torus of the 168 automorphisms of the Klein quartic generate the number (6720) of edges of the 421 polytope. The interior angle of the 8 triacontagons formed from its 240 vertices as Petrie polygons is 168°. This association between the numbers 672 and 168 establishes unequivocally the connection between the E8×E8 heterotic superstring structural parameter 168, determined through the remote-viewing of atoms, and the 421 polytope, whose 240 vertices represent the 240 non-zero roots of the rank-8 Lie group E8 at the heart of E8×E8 heterotic superstring theory.

The inner form of 10 Trees of Life maps the 421 polytope,
whose 240 vertices represent the 240 roots of E8

The 431 polytope is the inner form of 10 Trees of Life

Sacred geometries embody the holistic parameter 384

Holistic parameter 384 in sacred geometries and 421 polytope

The outer & inner Trees of Life have (248+248=496) hexagonal yods. They symbolise the
(248+248=496) roots of the symmetry group E8×E8' associated with E8×E8' heterotic superstrings

248+248 hexagonal yods symbolise 248+248 roots of E8xE8'

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Proof that the sacred geometries of religions embody a universal design that encodes the physics of superstrings, the human skeleton, DNA and the mathematics of the seven musical scales.

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Outer & inner Tree of Life
basis of E8 and E8×E8


Mathematical meanings of the Names of God

Part 1 (PDF)

Part 2 (PDF)

Part 1

Part 2

A short history of the fourth dimension



Part 2

Part 2

How sacred geometries embody the 'fine-structure constant' number 137

The real "God particle"

Re-discovery of the Higgs boson

The sacred geometrical
nature of the 421 polytope

The 8 Church Modes as the musical counterpart of the 421 polytope

The Tree of Life basis of the subquark state of the E8×E8
heterotic superstring

The UPA & the 421 polytope as the outer & inner forms of 10 Trees of Life (PDF)

How eight sacred geometries embody the 84:84:84:84 division (PDF)

Particle remote-viewed a century ago shown to be an
E8×E8 heterotic superstring

The inner Tree of Life & the 5 Platonic solids embody the
'fine-structure constant' number 137

The disdyakis triacontahedron embodies the 'fine-structure constant' number 137

The Polyhedral Tree of Life embodies the 'fine-structure constant' number 137

The outer & inner Trees of Life represent the roots of E8 and E8×E8

Some sacred-geometrical
connections between the UPA and the 421 polytope (PDF)

The outer & inner forms of 10 Trees of Life that map the 10 dimensions of superstring space-time embody the superstring structural parameter 1680 (PDF)

1920 & 3840 embodied in sacred geometries (PDF)

The outer & inner Tree of Life basis of the 496 roots of E8×E8 (PDF)
Part 1

Part 2
Part 3