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#46 Inner Tree of Life basis of the 10 whorls of the ordinary matter superstring and the 5 whorls of the shadow matter superstring
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According to Ron Cowen, who was a Canadian Buddhist clairvoyant claiming micro-psi ability, this is the basic particle of an invisible kind of matter permeating the universe. He drew the diagram whilst in the altered state of consciousness accompanying micro-psi. The author has identified it as a shadow matter superstring, whose forces are governed by the second factor E8′ in E8×E8′, the symmetry group governing the unified force between E8×E8′ heterotic superstrings. It comprises five distinct, closed curves (whorls) that wind five times around its axis of spin. |
The number of yods in a Type B regular polygon with n corners = 15n + 1, where "1" denotes its centre. The number of extra yods needed to turn its n sectors with (n+1) corners into Type A triangles = 14n. The inner form of a single Tree of Life consists of two sets of 7 enfolded, regular polygons: triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, decagon & dodecagon. One set is the mirror image of the other set. Each set of 7 separate polygons has 48 corners. The number of yods needed to transform each set into Type B polygons = 14×48 = 672 (1344 for both sets). 1344 = (22+42+...+622)/31, i.e, the number of yods need for the transformation is the arithmetic mean of the squares of the first 31 even integers, where 31 is the number of EL ("God"), the Godname of Chesed. The 70 separate polygons that become enfolded in 5 overlapping Trees of Life require (5×1344=6720) yods. Each yod symbolises one of the edges of the 421 polytope whose 240 vertices define the 240 roots of E8. This is how EL prescribes the number of edges of the semi-regular polytope representing the symmetry group E8 that describes the forces between E8×E8 heterotic superstrings. |
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According to Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, the unit of ordinary matter is the UPA. It consists of 10 closed curves (whorls) that twist 5 times around its axis of spin. Each whorl is a helix with 1680 circular turns, so that the UPA comprises 16800 such turns. The author has identified it as the superstring constituent of up and down quarks in atomic nuclei that came under their micro-psi observation over a century ago. |
The 70 separate polygons that become enfolded in 10 overlapping Trees of Life require (10×48×14=6720) yods to transform them into Type B polygons. |
As the number 10 has the unique factorisation 10 = 5×2, there are as many polygons (10×7=70) in the 10 sets of seven polygons enfolded on one side of the central pillar of 10 overlapping Trees of Life as there are in the five sets of (7+7) polygons enfolded on both sides of the central pillar of five overlapping Trees. This means that either set of 70 polygons require the same number (6720) of yods to transform them into Type B polygons. Each yod signifies one of the 6720 edges of the 421 polytope, whose 240 vertices have 8-dimensional positional vectors that coincide with the 240 roots spanning 8-dimensional space of the rank-8, exceptional Lie group E8. In the case of the heterotic superstring of ordinary matter, the 10 Trees of Life may be interpreted as the 10 whorls of the UPA, whilst the inner form of these Trees constitutes the 421 polytope whose rich, mathematical structure describes the symmetry group E8 governing the unified force between this type of superstring. As the second rank-8, exceptional Lie group E8′ describing the forces between shadow matter heterotic superstrings has 240 roots represented, too, by a 421 polytope, its inner Tree of Life counterpart must be the only other set of 70 polygons that has 6720 yods — namely, the (35+35) polygons that are the inner form of five overlapping Trees. In other words, if E8 → 10 Trees, then E8′ → 5 Trees. This means that the shadow matter superstring must consist of five whorls. This is precisely what the Canadian Buddhist clairvoyant Ronald D. Cowen reported observing in 1994 in private communications with the author after being requested (without any prior expectation by either person) to count how many whorls were present in the different kind of UPA that he had previously noticed during his micro-psi investigations!† The factor of 10 between 6720 and the 672 yods other than corners of sectors in each set of 7 polygons allows only two sets of overlapping Trees whose inner form contains 70 polygons. They correspond to the numbers of whorls reported over a century apart by Cowen and by Besant & Leadbeater. Sceptics of the paranormal who want to dismiss this as coincidence should ask themselves: how many miracles of chance are they willing to believe before they realise that ever-accumulating, objective, mathematical confirmation must always trump their personal, philosophical stance?
The 3360 edges in each half of the 421 polytope correspond to the 3360 perpendicular, plane wave components of the 1680 circularly polarised oscillations in an outer or inner half-revolution of all 10 whorls of the UPA.
Each set of 7 separate polygons has 48 sectors with (48+7=55) corners, where
55 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10.
Both the 10 sets and the 5×2 sets have (48×10=480) sectors with (55×10=550) corners and 6720 yods. We discover that the SL population of CTOL:
(see also here) is the number of corners of the 480 sectors of the 10 or 5×2 sets of seven polygons. This is not a coincidence, because the (10×7=70) polygons making up the inner form of 10 overlapping Trees of Life, whose 6720 yods correspond to the number of edges of the 421 polytope, constitute a holistic system, the Trees representing the 10 Sephiroth of a single Tree of Life. Therefore, this set of polygons displays parameters that are characteristic of such systems, e.g., the number 550*. For example, this number characterises the 10-tree prescribed by ADONAI, the Godname of Malkuth, and representing the 10 spatial dimensions predicted by M-theory because its 127 Type A triangles have 381 sectors with 550 sides**:
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The outer form of the 10-tree mapping the 10 spatial dimensions of superstrings predicted by M-theory is composed of as many sides of sectors of its triangles as the 70 separate polygons making up its inner form have corners of sectors. This number (550) is the number of emanations of the 91 Trees in CTOL. |
The total number of corners & yods in the 70 separate Type B polygons = 550 + 6720 = 7270 = 727×10, where 727 is the 129th prime number. This is how YAHWEH SABAOTH, the Godname of Netzach with number value 129, prescribes the 727 yods in the seven polygons making up the inner Tree of Life. The 70 separate polygons in the inner form of 10 Trees are composed of the yods in 727 separate tetractyses. 727 is also the 363rd odd integer after 1, showing how SHADDAI EL CHAI ("Almighty Living God"), the complete Godname of Yesod with number value 363, arithmetically prescribes the yod population of the inner Tree of Life. A Type B n-gon has (10n+1) corners, sides & triangles, so that the seven Type B polygons possess (10×48 + 7 = 487) geometrical elements. Including their separate root edge, which comprises three geometrical elements, namely, two endpoints and the straight line connecting them, makes a total of 490 (=49×10) geometrical elements, where 49 is the number value of EL CHAI.
See here for how the Godnames mathematically prescribe the 421 polytope.
† Cowen published letters between the author and himself in his recent book "The Path of Love" (FriesenPress, 2015). Read his meditation notes on pp. 142-144.
* See here and here for how the number 550 is embodied in, respectively, the five Platonic solids and the disdyakis triacontahedron.
** Proof: the n-tree is composed of (12n+7) triangles with (6n+5) corners and (16n+9) sides. Number of sides in their (36n+21) sectors = 16n + 9 + 3×(12n+7) = 52n + 30. Number of sides in the 381 sectors of the 10-tree = 52×10 + 30 = 550.
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