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The holistic nature of the first (6+6) enfolded polygons
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The 1st (6+6) Type A polygons enfolded in every overlapping Tree of Life have 384 intrinsic yods. Each set of 6 enfolded polygons has 24 intrinsic corners and 168 yods. This 24:168 pattern characterises holistic systems/sacred geometries. 168 is the number value of Cholem Yesodoth, the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth. | Outside the root edge of the 14 polygons enfolded in the inner form of successive, overlapping Trees of Life are 155 yods lining the sides of the 35 tetractyses in each set of the 1st 6 polygons. 155 is the number value of ADONAI MELEKH, the complete Godname of Malkuth. | The number 87 of Levanah, the Mundane Chakra of Yesod, is the number of yods intrinsic to, and lining, the sides of the 1st 6 polygons enfolded in the inner form of successive, overlapping Trees of Life. |
We saw earlier that the Godnames of the 10 Sephiroth mathematically prescribe the 1st 6 enfolded polygons of the inner Tree of Life. This means that this subset of the complete set of 7 enfolded polygons constitutes a holistic system in itself. As conclusive evidence of this, consider the following:
384 = 192 + 192
192 = 24 + 168
that are characteristic of holistic systems (see The holistic pattern).
The 35 sectors in the 1st 6 enfolded polygons have 65 sides, showing how ADONAI with number value 65 prescribes their form.
Comparing these result with the finding discussed in the previous page, we notice that 168 yods outside the root edge line the sides of the 1st (6+6) enfolded polygons, whilst 168 yods other than corners are associated with each set of 6 enfolded polygons. Here are two amazing ways in which they embody the superstring structural parameter 168. Anyone who wants to believe that both properties could be due to chance has to believe in miracles as well!
Superstring meaning of the 24:168 division of yods
Listed below are the numbers of roots in the five exceptional groups and the numbers of types of roots in
E8, the largest one:
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E8, the largest exceptional group, has 168 more roots than the rank-6 E6, one of its subgroups. E6 has 24 more roots that its exceptional subgroup F4. The group E8 has therefore (24+168=192) more roots than F4. They are denoted by the 192 intrinsic yods of the 1st 6 polygons enfolded in successive Trees of Life. The 24 intrinsic corners denote the 24 roots in E6 that do not belong to F4 and the 168 yods denote the 168 roots in E8 that do not belong to E6. The 384 intrinsic yods in each set of (6+6) enfolded polygons reflects the fact that each half of an inner Tree of Life embodies the group E8, implying that the symmetry group consistent with the geometry of the inner Tree of Life is E8×E8. For examples of how other sacred geometries embody the holistic patterns 24:192 and 48:336, see #19 & #36 in Wonders of correspondences. As the inner form of the Tree of Life, too, conforms to these patterns (see the first link just given), the 48 roots of F4 must also exhibit them. Indeed, they do! The 240 roots of rank-8 E8 are represented by 240 8-dimensional position vectors, all with length √2. They have (240×8=1920=192×10) coordinates, so that (3840=384×10) coordinates define the (240+240=480) roots of E8×E8. The holistic parameter 384 re-appears in the F4 groups in E8×E8 as the (48×8=384) coordinates of either one. It is known that the 48 roots of F4 are the 48 vertices of a 24-cell in two dual configurations:
24-cell vertices
24 roots at (±1,±1,0,0), permuting coordinate positions.
Dual 24-cell vertices
8 roots at (±1, 0, 0, 0), permuting coordinate positions.
16 roots at (±½, ±½, ±½, ±½).
(see here). They are shown below:
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Coxeter plane projection of
the 48 root vectors of F4,
represented by |
The 24-cell. |
The 24-cell has 96 edges and 96 triangular faces, i.e., 192 edges & faces, so that the two 24-cells with 48 vertices defining the 48 roots of F4 have (192+192=384) edges & faces. The holistic parameters 192 and 384 appear not only in the 192 roots of E8 and the 384 roots of E8×E8 not belonging to their F4 groups but also in the very geometry of the representation of the roots of F4! It is implausible that this could be due to coincidence. Instead, it implies that F4 (which contains as a subgroup G2, the automorphism group of the octonion algebra) is itself a holistic object, just as E8 and E8×E8 are.
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