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Encoding of CTOL in the inner Tree of Life

 yod population of polygons in inner Tree of Life

The table lists the number of yods in the 14 separate regular polygons making up the inner Tree of Life, starting at the bottom with the simplest one — the triangle (red numbers are gematria number values of the Sephiroth in the four Worlds of Atziluth, Beriah, Yetzirah & Assiyah. Each set of seven polygons is separated by the root edge, which has four yods. The order of the second set is reversed for reasons which will be become apparent later. Also listed is the number of yods in the polygons as a running sum, again starting from the bottom.

Let us ask the following question: what combinations of polygons have total yod populations that are equal to the number (6n+4) of SLs in n overlapping Trees? Running totals that satisfy this are ticked. Either 18 or 91 overlapping Trees of Life have the same number of SLs as their corresponding combinations of polygons have yods. The first four polygons are the counterpart of 18 overlapping Trees and the first 12 polygons (ordered in the sequence shown) are, when the root edge is included, the counterpart of 91 overlapping Trees. As 91 is larger than 18, the latter number is of no interest, for we are seeking what polygons are the counterpart of the largest possible number of overlapping Trees. We find that 12 of the 14 polygons are the exact equivalent of 91 Trees of Life. The Cosmic Tree of Life is therefore encoded in this subset of the polygons making up the inner Tree of Life.

That this is not just a coincidence is demonstrated by the fact that the first seven polygons have 295 yods. This is the number of SLs up to Chesed of the 49th Tree of Life in CTOL. Including the four yods of the root edge makes 299 yods. This is the number of SLs in the 49-tree. This is amazing because it tells us that one half of the inner Tree of Life encodes the 49 Trees mapping the 49 subplanes of the cosmic physical plane and that the next five polygons up to the pentagon with 251 yods encode the 42 Trees with 251 SLs that map the 42 subplanes of the six cosmic superphysical planes. The two halves of the inner Tree of Life define the division between the cosmic physical and superphysical planes. That both numbers 49 and 91 could appear in this context by coincidence can be dismissed as highly implausible.

Notice that the 26-tree has the same number (161) of SLs as the first five polygons have yods. Only one other set of polygons is the counterpart of an n-tree, namely, the first 13 polygons, which are the counterpart of the 95-tree. However, this is of no interest, because only a number of overlapping Trees of Life has significance, an n-tree being always part of a larger number of overlapping Trees. We should expect only the former, not the latter, to be encoded in the inner Tree of Life. What is amazing is that there exists a combination of polygons whose yod population is equal to the number of SLs in CTOL. This encoding will next be shown to be unique.


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