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Remote-viewed quarks
The hydrogen triplets that occur in the
hydrogen MPA are the particles that most frequently appear in the detailed descriptions of MPAs. This is to be
expected because they were identified as up and down quarks — the particles that make up the protons and neutrons
belonging to the two parent nuclei. Detailed analyses of 48 MPAs confirm beyond all reasonable doubt that the
positive and negative hydrogen triplets are, indeed, up and down quarks, respectively. The evidence for this
identification provided in the author's first and third books is nothing short of overwhelming, such is the high level of correlation
between prediction and observation. Besant & Leadbeater claimed that they could mentally (if that is the
right word) manipulate the micro-psi images of bound states of particles so as to release them into less complex
bound states. They did this for every element that they examined, although not always for every group of UPAs in every MPA — that would have been too laborious, quite apart
from being unnecessary, as they found that similar types of bound states broke up in the same way, to
whichever MPA they happened to belong. The diagram shows what they observed when they caused hydrogen
triangles to break up into free hydrogen triplets. Similar-looking triplets appear in dozens of the pages in
Occult Chemistry that display bound states of UPAs in various levels of aggregation. The diagram
depicts up and down quarks observed in the free state. This raises an issue, for most physicists have now
concluded that quarks cannot exist on their own but are permanently trapped as part of a baryon or meson.
However, it was not always so because they believe that quarks were briefly free particles when the
temperature of the universe shortly after the Big Bang was still very high. Is the remote viewer providing
local conditions of enormous temperatures that enable quarks to free themselves of the forces permanently
binding them together at the temperatures prevalent in the universe today? Undoubtedly, most people would find
this very difficult to believe. But recoiling in disbelief merely leaves the data in
Occult Chemistry without an adequate explanation. Moreover, the notion that the
human mind is capable of magnifying objects much smaller than one quadrillionth of an inch is no less hard to
accept. Parapsychologists at least have come to realize that there seems to be no recognizable limits — either
in space or in time — to what the mind is capable of knowing. At the level of the unconscious mind, space and
time lose their familiar meaning and consciousness is no longer limited by them. If the mind can know the
future, the past or 'see' over the visual horizon, as remote viewing experiments have demonstrated, is it
still too difficult to believe that the mind can access the microscopic world as well and experience it as
some kind of holographic, virtual reality that accurately reproduces what actually exists in the
small region of the chemical substance that is being probed by the remote viewer?
Shown opposite are diagrams of string models of baryons and mesons that have appeared in the literature of theoretical physics. Mesons are regarded as flux tubes that contain the colour flux lines emanating from and terminating on their quark and antiquark endpoints. Baryons are either Y-shaped strings with quarks at their ends or circular strings that join three quarks. Compare this with diagrams published over a century ago in the first edition of Occult Chemistry that depict UPAs at the ends of either single lines of force, Y-shaped lines of force or circular lines of force. The similarity is too clear-cut to be due to coincidence. UPAs are subquarks, not quarks. But this difference is immaterial because the basic concepts of
the QCD string model would also apply to subquarks, not just composite quarks, if they possess three hypercolours analogous to the three quark colour states of QCD. For more discussion of this point, see chapter 5 in "Extra-sensory Perception of Quarks" and chapter 4 in "ESP of Quarks & Superstrings."
Because the field equations for the gluons that couple coloured quarks together are highly non-linear, exact solutions of them are difficult to find. Calculation techniques have been devised that approximate space-time to a lattice of points where quarks and gluons are located, the spacing between points being reduced as much as available computer power will permit in order to approximate real space-time. Results for so-called "lattice QCD" calculations of the energy density of the flux tubes connecting three quarks were discussed in 2003 at the International Conference on Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics. They are shown below. The Y-shaped profile of the colour-coded density contours of the flux lines with quarks at their ends is strikingly similar to a diagram of a hydrogen triplet that appears in the 1908 edition of Occult Chemistry, in which Y-shaped lines of force "of a magnetic nature" terminate on UPAs. This hydrogen triplet is an up quark observed in the free state. It would have been formed by the Higgs field being heated up until it was no longer superconducting, causing the vortices that channel the colour flux between UPAs inside coupled quarks to be destroyed so that they ceased to be confined. Although, of course, UPAs are subquarks, not quarks, the physics of their confinement in quarks is completely analogous to the mechanism of the Meissner Effect confining quarks in baryons and mesons, i.e., mathematically speaking, hypercolour SU(3) gauge fields bind subquarks in groups of three whether the latter are bound to other quarks or are free. It is, simply, the repetition of this confining mechanism on a much smaller scale. The Y-shaped string configuration of the three UPAs in this "free" hydrogen triplet, which was published in the 1908 edition of Occult Chemistry (see tin, Plate XVI, p. 96), is clear-cut evidence of that. Here, therefore, is a prediction concerning these yet-to-be-discovered, fundamental particles: subquarks are bound inside quarks by the very same Meissner Effect that traps quarks inside baryons and mesons.
Scientific evidence supporting the objectivity of the micro-psi faculty of Besant
& Leadbeater.
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