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#11 The holistic nature of the last four enfolded polygons and how they encode the 206 bones of the human skeleton
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Figure 17. The last four enfolded polygons exhibit the pattern of the 206 bones in the adult human skeleton. |
There are 206 yods associated with each set of the last four polygons with their 36 sectors turned into tetractyses. Here is the proof: colouring the yods of the hexagon, octagon, decagon & dodecagon respectively, green, yellow, orange & red (Fig. 17), let us associate the endpoints of the root edge with the hexagons and the two hexagonal yods of the shared root edge with the octagons. The numbers of yods associated with each set of the last four polygons are:
hexagon |
octagon |
decagon |
dodecagon |
Total |
34 |
46 |
57 |
69 |
206 |
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Figure 18. The last four enfolded polygons have 28 corners outside their shared root edge. The top and bottom corners of the hexagon coincide with Chokmah and Netzach of the outer Tree of Life. 26 corners are intrinsic to the last four enfolded polygons of the inner Tree of Life. This is the number value of YAHWEH, the Godname of Chokmah. |
As further evidence of the holistic nature of the last four enfolded polygons, 168 yods line the 68 sides of the 36 tetractyses outside the root edge (Fig. 19). The number value 168 of Cholem Yesodoth, the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth, quantifies the shape
Figure 19. 168 yods outside the root edge line the 68 sides of the 36 tetractyses in the last four enfolded polygons. |
of this geometrical object. This is highly significant, as it demonstrates once again the connection between Malkuth and the very number 168 that determines the physical form of the subquark superstring. It is remarkable and not at all odd that the superstring should also determine the sacred geometrical basis of the human skeleton. It does so because they are microscopic and macroscopic manifestations of the same sacred geometry. The numbers of boundary yods for the last four polygons are:
hexagon |
octagon |
decagon |
dodecagon |
27 |
37 |
47 |
57 |
The hexagon & dodecagon have 84 boundary yods, as do the octagon & decagon. The natural division displayed by the four polygons of their 168 yods into two sets of 84 yods is characteristic of holistic systems. For example, for the E8×E8 heterotic superstring, it expresses the fact that the 168 circular turns in a half-revolution of a whorl consist of two consecutive sets of 84 turns made in a quarter-revolution (see here). In the case of the seven diatonic musical scales, the intervals between their notes comprise 84 repetitions of rising Pythagorean intervals and their 84 falling counterparts. For the disdyakis triacontahedron, there are 84 edges above the central plane perpendicular to an axis passing through two opposite A vertices and 84 edges below this plane (see here). For the two sets of the first six enfolded, regular polygons, 84 yods line the sides of the polygons in each set (see here). Many other examples can be found in the articles.
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The 168 yods on sides of the 36 tetractys sectors of the last four polygons comprise 22 hexagonal yods & five corners in the hexagon, 30 hexagonal yods & seven corners in the octagon, 38 hexagonal yods & nine corners in the decagon and 46 hexagonal yods and 11 corners in the dodecagon. The hexagon, octagon & decagon have 90 white hexagonal yods, leaving 78 black yods (46 hexagonal yods, 32 corners) (Fig. 20). This 78:90 division reproduces the number values of, respectively, Cholem and Yesodoth (Fig. 21). It is readily verified that no other subsets of polygons can generate this division. It is further evidence that it is not coincidental that 168 yods create the boundaries of the last four enfolded polygons.
28 of the 168 boundary yods are corners of polygons, leaving 140 new yods generated by constructing them from tetractyses. 140 is the number value of Malachim, the Order of Angels assigned to Tiphareth. 280 new boundary yods are generated by constructing both sets of polygons with 65 sides. 280 is the number value of Sandalphon, the Archangel of Malkuth. Here is a striking conjunction of three number values 65, 280 & 168 that refer to the same Sephirah. It cannot occur by accident unless one wants to believe in highly improbable miracles of coincidence.
The two sets of 168 yods on the boundaries of the 72 tetractys sectors of the two sets of four polygons are the counterpart of the 168 yods that line the 21 triangles in each half of the 3-dimensional Sri Yantra surrounding their central one when they are tetractyses (Fig. 22). In either case, the number 168 is the number that quantifies the shapes of their constituent triangles. This is consistent with the number being the gematria number value of the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth.
Figure 22. Equivalence of the last (4+4) enfolded polygons and the 3-d Sri Yantra. |
The two sets of the last four enfolded polygons comprise 72 triangles, where 72 is the number of Chesed, and 65 polygonal sides, that is, 137 sides & triangles. This is how they encode the holistic parameter 137 that determines the fine-structure constant α = e2/ħc ≈ 1/137 measuring the strength of the coupling of the electron to the electromagnetic field. The 72 triangles have 66 corners and 137 sides. This is an even more remarkable embodiment of the number 137, for it demonstrates unequivocally how the parameter measures the geometry of this holistic system. It appears in discussions elsewhere in the following ways:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
136 = | ||||
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 . | |
The two sets of polygons have 131 corners of sectors & polygonal sides, where 131 is the number value of Samael, the Archangel of Geburah. They include 64 corners of sectors outside the root edge, where 64 is the number of Nogah, the Mundane Chakra of Netzach. A set has 36 triangles with 34 corners, i.e., 70 corners & triangles. The appearance of the number 70 confirms the holistic nature of the last four polygons because it is a defining parameter of both the outer Tree of Life, being the number of yods needed to construct it (see here), and the inner Tree of Life, being the number of corners of its two sets of seven enfolded polygons (see here). Indeed, the 36:34 division appears explicitly in the latter as the 36 corners of one set and the 34 corners of the other set outside their root edge. The two sets of four enfolded polygons have 272 corners, sides & triangles outside the root edge. 272 is the number value of Cherubim, the Order of Angels assigned to Yesod. 72 of them are triangles, so that there are 100 corners, sides & triangles on either side of the root edge, where 100 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43. This further illustrates the Tetrad Principle at work, expressing properties of holistic systems in terms of the integers 1, 2, 3 & 4 (see Article 1, p. 4). Par excellence, it selects the last four regular polygons of the inner Tree of Life as an object that possesses sacred geometry in its own right. 56 of the 272 corners, sides & triangles are corners of polygons, leaving 216 sides, triangles & centres of polygons, where 216 is the number value of Geburah. Here is a conjunction of three gematria numbers of this Sephirah: 216, 36 & 131. Indeed, all the numbers of the Sephiroth in the four Worlds shown in #2 can be identified in the last four polygons because they are a subset of the seven polygons that constitute another whole.
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