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The five Platonic solids embody the number 137 determining the fine-structure constant
The table in Sacred geometry/Platonic
solids shows that 1820 yods surround the centres of the five Platonic solids with Type
A triangles as sectors of internal triangles. They include 90 centres of internal triangles and
50 centres of faces, that is, 140 corners of tetractyses. Hence,
(1820–140=1680) yods other than these non-polyhedral corners surround the centres of the five
regular polyhedra. This is remarkable because the UPA, the basic constituent of matter observed with micro-psi
by Besant & Leadbeater, has 1680 turns in each of its ten helical whorls (see page 11 at Occult
The sceptic may argue that, by ignoring the non-polyhedral corners, this number has been merely obtained by cherry-picking various numbers of yods, so it is not proof that the five Platonic solids embody the superstring structural parameter 1680. However, it is hardly cherry-picking to point out that these solids have 1680 vertices and hexagonal yods surrounding their centres — a mathematical fact that sceptics must, implausibly, dismiss as a coincidence. Even so, the remarkable property to be described next refutes their criticism: their 50 faces have 180 sectors, so that, when these are tetractyses containing 720 hexagonal yods, (720−180=540) such yods line their (90+180=270) sides. The 50 vertices and the 50 face-centres of the five Platonic solids also line these tetractyses, making a total of 640 yods that line sides of 180 tetractyses in the faces, where 640 is the number value of Shemesh, the Mundane Chakra of Tiphareth. According to the table cited above, there are 910 internal hexagonal yods. Of these, (90×3=270) hexagonal yods are at the centres of the sectors of the 90 internal triangles formed by the 90 edges of the five Platonic solids. This leaves (910−270=640) hexagonal yods lining sides of 270 internal tetractyses. They also have 90 internal corners, excluding the centres of the solids (95 when included, where 95 is the number value of Madim, the Mundane Chakra of Geburah), so that (640+90=730=73×10) yods other than these points line internal tetractyses, where 73 is the number value of Chokmah. The number of yods lining the (180+270=450) tetractyses = 640 + 730 = 1370. But this is the number of yods in the (7+7) enfolded Type B polygons of the inner Tree of Life (see here)! A number that measures the inner form of the Tree of Life reappears in the five Platonic solids as a number that quantifies their construction from tetractyses, starting with the mathematical points at their centres. Given their archetypal status, this cannot be coincidence — especially when it involves the number 137 regarded by physicists as one of the most important numbers in physics because it determines the fine-structure constant. Instead, it is remarkable evidence for their constituting the regular polyhedral counterpart of the inner Tree of Life. Just as the superstring structural parameter 1680 is embodied in the latter, as demonstrated in many pages and articles on this website, so, too, it can be found in the collective yod composition of its regular polyhedral counterparts. It is neither by mere chance nor by contrivance that this happens. Instead, these numbers reappear in different sacred geometrical contexts because these geometries are analogous holistic systems and, therefore, they must possess the same parameters and patterns of division. This will be demonstrated on the next page in the case of the first four Platonic solids.
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