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#55 How the Godname EHYEH prescribes the 16800 helical turns of the UPA
When Charles Leadbeater examined with his micro-psi vision what he called the “UPA” — the basic constituent of atoms revealed by this vision — he discovered by meticulous counting that each of its ten helices consists of 1680 circular turns. This means that the UPA comprises 16800 such turns (see image above on the left). Elsewhere on this website this structural parameter of the subquark state of the E8×E8 heterotic superstring has been related to the 240 gauge charges of E8, which are spread along the helices, 24 to a helix. Here we shall show how the Godname EHYEH (אהיה) with gematria number value 21, which is assigned to Kether at the apex of the Tree of Life, prescribes this number.
1. As 492 = 2401 = 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 97,
492 – 1 = 2400 = 3 + 5 + 7 +… + 97,
where 49 is the number of EL ChAI (אל חי), the partial Godname of Yesod, and 97 is the number of Haniel, the Archangel of Netzach. Therefore,
16800 = 7×2400 = 7(3 + 5 + 7 +… + 97) = 21 + 35 + 49 +… + 679.
The number 16800 is the sum of (49 – 1 = 48) successive odd integers that start with 21 and end with 679, where 48 is the number value of Kokab, the Mundane Chakra of Hod.
2. As 24 = 52 – 1 and 168 = 7×24,
168 = 7(52 – 1),
so that
16800 = 168×100 = 168×102 = 7×102(52 – 1) = 7(502 – 102)
= 7[1 + 3 + 5 +… + 99 – (1 + 3 + 5 +… + 19)] = 7(21 + 23 + … + 99).
3. As 132 – 1 = 168, where 168 is the number value of Cholem Yesodoth, the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth,
16800 = 100×168 = 102×168 = 102(132 – 1) = 1302 – 102 = 1 + 3 + 5 + … + 259 – (1 + 3 + 5 +… 19)
= 21 + 23 + 25 + … + 259.
The number 16800 is the sum of (130 – 10 = 120) successive odd integers that start with 21 and end with 259. As
120 = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 15
is the 15th triangular number, the sum of a triangular array of odd integers (15 to each side) that start with 21 is 16800 (see image above on the right). This shows how EHYEH, the Godname of Kether with number value 21, and YAH (יה), the shorter version of the Godname of Chokmah with number value 15, prescribe this structural parameter of the UPA.
4. As 336 = 21×16 and 496 = 31×16, where 496 is the number value of Malkuth and 31 is the number value of EL (אל), the Godname assigned to Chesed, the first Sephirah of Construction,
336 = (21/31)×496.
16800 = 50×336, where 50 is the number value of ELOHIM (אלהים), the Godname of Binah. The meaning of this is that the ten whorls of the UPA wind 50 times around its axis of spin (five per whorl), each revolution comprising 336 circular turns of a helical whorl. Therefore,
16800 = (21×50/31)×496.
496 = 13 + 33 + 53 + 73. Therefore,
16800 = 21×(50/31)(13 + 33 + 53 + 73).
As 84 = 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 = 21×4, the number 21 is the arithmetic mean of the squares of the first four odd integers:
21 = (12 + 32 + 52 + 72)/4.
21 of EHYEH determines not only the oscillatory form of the UPA but also the unified superforce force because the UPA is the subquark, E8′-singlet state of the E8×E8′ heterotic superstring, and its 240 gauge charges are spread out along the whorls of the UPA, where 240 is the sum of the first 21 binomial coefficients other than 1:
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